Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Good evening fellow greeting card senders,

It's been a while since my last blog, (since the big snow storm of February!) and I need to catch up and let everyone know what's going on in the world of Inner Peace Greetings. For starters, the economy has certainly played a major part in a decline of vendor opportunities and a slow down of people actually wanting to spend money on things other than necessities. But, as always, the greeting card always finds a way to survive, and still remains the best way to express yourself to a loved one for any number of occasions.

Yes, people continue to get busier everyday with balancing work, family, and their personal lives (what's that?), but at the days end, we have to remember to share the joys, sorrows, and accomplishments of those most important to us. Afterall, if we don't do that, what was once a genuine act of kindness and a show of appreciation will be a distant memory left to the world of technology. Can you imagine receiving a text message, electronic card, face book message, etc. that says, "I'm sorry you lost your loved one, you are in my thoughts". Have we really reached that age when we are too busy to sign our name to a card, put the card in the envelope, put a stamp on the envelope, and mail it? Its been discussed eveywhere how much technology has taken over society and whether or not it is really a good thing or bad. Good, that we can communicate faster and more sophisticated than ever before. Bad, because with all of this communicating, we aren't really saying anything of true meaning most of the time. I still like receiving a beautiful card that says simply, "Your friendship means so much" or "congratulations, you did it!".

Call me sentimental, but there is an art to the greeting card. It's design, it's words, it's physical appearance, but most of all, the return address on the envelope of the person who took the time to send it.

Summer is fast making its exit. As we try to grab as much sun, vacation time, and gatherings with friends and family before school starts or the change of seasons brings new projects at work, or preparing the house for winter, let's not forget that without the people in our lives, we would be missing out on the powerful connection of human existence.

I am having a sale in July and August
($5 for 8 card/package) and discounts on all the cards in the Inner Peace Greetings collection to prepare for new card designs and enhanced quality. I've learned alot since I turned my first poem into a greeting card such as; which cards sell the most, which don't sell much, and what people want. It has been a rewarding experience and my customers remain satisfied with the quality, sophistication, and design of my products. I have chosen to stay true to the original black and white design which has always made the cards stand out from the rest. What makes these cards extra special is the artwork, but the message inside is what draws you in. Heartfelt messages of faith and inspiration to remind you that life's challenges are just that...challenges to be overcome with faith. There is a higher purpose for each of our lives and I believe through honoring our relationships, we are closer to finding that purpose.

Join me in celebrating the rest of summer (and everyday) by remembering those you love with a greeting card. But not just any card, an Inner Peace Greeting card. Don't text, don't email, just buy some stamps and rediscover the art of sending a card.

Peace, until next time.