Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 10, 2010

The seasons have changed! Time passes so quickly. From the hottest days of Summer to the chilly days in's all a blur sometimes. The holidays are upon us. Time to celebrate with the ones we love and enjoy the festivities of the season. For some, it can be a season of surviving in still uncertain economic times, and for others, a time to reflect on what we've accomplished this year. Whatever it means to you, please remember to give thanks for everything, tell someone you love them, and give to those who need it most. For me, this year has been full of ups and downs, seasons of change and achievement. I've learned alot about my own perseverance and strength. I am constantly reminded of the peace and goodness of spirit and how everything flows naturally when we let go. It really is the only way to get through the challenges. LET GO. Not giving up, but just allowing things to work out in their time. Trust me, I have to repeat this to myself sometimes. To all my customers who continue to love my cards and support my dream, I thank you. New things are coming for Inner Peace Greetings in 2011. I will be working on new designs, new messages for the cards, and other new products so stay tuned! Since I'm in a reflective mood, I leave you with this short poem I wrote -

Changing Seasons

Its not often we catch a raindrop on our tongue or remember the innocence of being young. But if we try really hard, sometimes we get lucky enough to have a snowflake land where we can see. And still we look for miracles refusing to
truly believe; that we were made perfectly. And even if life brings unwanted change and circumstance, we are strong enough to
endure, and always given another chance. When seasons change, so do we. And that my friend is the BLESSING.

May you and yours have a prosperous and peace-filled holiday season. Until next time, peace.