Monday, June 18, 2012

Greetings - June, 2012

Greetings fellow greeting card senders!

Sorry it has been so long since my last post.  I am returning from a much needed vacation break out west, and wanted to check in since I felt inspired to write.  It's been too long!

I have been consumed with daily, life, tasks, commitments, etc. as we all know how easily we can become distracted by these things.  But, I hope you are all well, and enjoying the first part of Summer!

I've mentioned a while ago that I was working on new designs for Inner Peace Greetings.  I do have a few beautiful new cards, but the transition to reality has been somewhat slower because of my full time job commitments.  However, dreams never die right? So, prayerfully and by faith, the new designs, plus more will be unfolded in the appropriate season.  I did create a beautiful new Mother's Day card, which I displayed at a Spring fashion show in March.  The show was awesome, and complete with talented, gifted vendors right here in Pittsburgh.  I hope to do more vendoring very soon.  Being a vendor gives you the opportunity to network and become friends with other like-minded, creative folks who love expressing themselves through art, design, name it.  It's all there, if you look hard enough in your own community!  We are a very blessed, and talented people.  All of us possess a gift from God.  Do you know what yours is? 

For this post, I want to encourage you to never give up on your dream.  It may take ten, five, or one year to become real, but have a dream, stick to it, and even if you step away for a moment, you can always come back to it.  True dreams never die!  Remember that.

For the past few months, I have been restling with what God's purpose truly is for me and how to get there.  Sometimes, we develop our own plans and try to accomplish things without involving Him (I know I've done it), but it almost never pans out the way we think.  I have been in the process of learning that what God has for you, really is for you.  No matter how hard you try to side step His way, you will eventually come back to where you started...asking for direction.  The quick fix always seems better than waiting.  Wouldn't you agree?  So, I am trying to wait more patiently for the right things to unfold in my life.  See, even though I write greeting cards, I always have more to learn about my own journey.  

So my friends, I leave you with this, hoping that you stay encouraged by your dreams, no matter what they are.  If you want to bake the best cookies, do it.  If you want to braid hair, do it.  If you want to create photographs of wildlife, do it.  And always remember that dreams can sometimes take a hiatus, and that's okay too.  When you come back to it, you come back stronger and wiser!

Always in peace,