Saturday, February 20, 2010

February Greetings

Greetings to my followers!
I hope that your New Year is turning out to be all you hoped it to be. But remember, everyday is a blessing and no matter what time of year, it is good to be alive, at peace, and thankful for your family, friends and your life!
This year, my focus for Inner Peace Greetings will be an unfolding process. I am constantly thinking of new ways to design and print my cards so that the message is always clear...inner peace for the soul. Since I work full time, I don't have many hours to devote to my craft, but when I do, it gives me a sense of pride and accomplishment because this is a dream come true for me. My cards are my passion, so whether I'm a vendor at a local craft show, or meeting someone new who has contacted me about the cards, it is such a blessing to me.
While it is a New Year, this is a confusing time in the world, but it is up to us to claim our peace and happiness by the choices we make, the people we choose to be in our lives, and how we live. There are times in my own life when I have not listened to the small voice inside and followed my heart. But moving forward, I am learning to honor who I am. My cards help me to do this and I hope that you find ways to honor yourself too. It is so important.
Thank you to all who have purchased cards, bookmarks, or notecards from me. And especially those of you who have told me how much the verses in the cards have helped you or someone else. My first vendor event for 2010 will be at:
BASH, Black Association of South Hills
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Hilton Garden Inn Southpointe
Canonsburg, PA.
Time: 11:30 am to 3:30 pm
This is a scholarship fundraiser that will have ten great local vendors, food, and fun for all. I hope to see you there or at my next event.
Wishing you peace,
Sonya Ford

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