Thursday, July 26, 2012

Summer Update- July 2012

Hello friends!

I hope that everyone is enjoying their Summer.  It has indeed been a very hot, and dry season!  And speaking of seasons, I thought this might be a good time to encourage all of you that even during the dryest seasons of our lives, God is still able to send the proper amount of water to replenish and restore you.  We have all experienced it right?  You want certain things to happen in your life, and they don't; you thought a door was going to open, but it closes; you have prayed for a breakthrough, and it has not come yet.  All of these things can create seasons of change, but we must trust that God knows what is best and always has us on His mind. Your seasons can be great learning experiences and opportunities to grow your faith.  It is not easy, believe me I know.  But when you have gone through changes in your life and you survive, that is God proving His love for you.  It may take a while, and sometimes you feel like giving up because your answer has not come, but just when you reach that point, He shows up.  Have faith and stay encouraged friends.

Now on to other news.  Please mark your calendars for an upcoming conference, "Dealing With Closed Doors", sponsored by Sister/Sista Ministries.  This is their 12th annual conference, and I will be a vendor at this exciting event which takes place on August 17-18, 2012 at the Inner City Ministries Church in East Liberty, Pittsburgh.

This will be a very enlightening conference designed to help you deal with those "closed doors" in your life and how to persevere.  I hope you can attend, and stock up on some of my greeting cards!  As a reminder, my cards main focus is on the "inner spirit" within, and encouraging your heart to see and do greater things in your life.  I have cards for all occasions including: Birthday, Sympathy, Friendship, Celebrating love, holidays, encouragement, and many other faith-filled cards.  I also have bookmarks that make nice additions to the cards and make beautiful gifts.  So, if you want to give something different, "Give Inner Peace"!

Well my friends, I hope that the rest of your Summers are filled with fun, joy, and most of all...Peace.

Stay tuned for my next blog...until then.

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