Thursday, July 26, 2012

Summer Update- July 2012

Hello friends!

I hope that everyone is enjoying their Summer.  It has indeed been a very hot, and dry season!  And speaking of seasons, I thought this might be a good time to encourage all of you that even during the dryest seasons of our lives, God is still able to send the proper amount of water to replenish and restore you.  We have all experienced it right?  You want certain things to happen in your life, and they don't; you thought a door was going to open, but it closes; you have prayed for a breakthrough, and it has not come yet.  All of these things can create seasons of change, but we must trust that God knows what is best and always has us on His mind. Your seasons can be great learning experiences and opportunities to grow your faith.  It is not easy, believe me I know.  But when you have gone through changes in your life and you survive, that is God proving His love for you.  It may take a while, and sometimes you feel like giving up because your answer has not come, but just when you reach that point, He shows up.  Have faith and stay encouraged friends.

Now on to other news.  Please mark your calendars for an upcoming conference, "Dealing With Closed Doors", sponsored by Sister/Sista Ministries.  This is their 12th annual conference, and I will be a vendor at this exciting event which takes place on August 17-18, 2012 at the Inner City Ministries Church in East Liberty, Pittsburgh.

This will be a very enlightening conference designed to help you deal with those "closed doors" in your life and how to persevere.  I hope you can attend, and stock up on some of my greeting cards!  As a reminder, my cards main focus is on the "inner spirit" within, and encouraging your heart to see and do greater things in your life.  I have cards for all occasions including: Birthday, Sympathy, Friendship, Celebrating love, holidays, encouragement, and many other faith-filled cards.  I also have bookmarks that make nice additions to the cards and make beautiful gifts.  So, if you want to give something different, "Give Inner Peace"!

Well my friends, I hope that the rest of your Summers are filled with fun, joy, and most of all...Peace.

Stay tuned for my next blog...until then.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Greetings - June, 2012

Greetings fellow greeting card senders!

Sorry it has been so long since my last post.  I am returning from a much needed vacation break out west, and wanted to check in since I felt inspired to write.  It's been too long!

I have been consumed with daily, life, tasks, commitments, etc. as we all know how easily we can become distracted by these things.  But, I hope you are all well, and enjoying the first part of Summer!

I've mentioned a while ago that I was working on new designs for Inner Peace Greetings.  I do have a few beautiful new cards, but the transition to reality has been somewhat slower because of my full time job commitments.  However, dreams never die right? So, prayerfully and by faith, the new designs, plus more will be unfolded in the appropriate season.  I did create a beautiful new Mother's Day card, which I displayed at a Spring fashion show in March.  The show was awesome, and complete with talented, gifted vendors right here in Pittsburgh.  I hope to do more vendoring very soon.  Being a vendor gives you the opportunity to network and become friends with other like-minded, creative folks who love expressing themselves through art, design, name it.  It's all there, if you look hard enough in your own community!  We are a very blessed, and talented people.  All of us possess a gift from God.  Do you know what yours is? 

For this post, I want to encourage you to never give up on your dream.  It may take ten, five, or one year to become real, but have a dream, stick to it, and even if you step away for a moment, you can always come back to it.  True dreams never die!  Remember that.

For the past few months, I have been restling with what God's purpose truly is for me and how to get there.  Sometimes, we develop our own plans and try to accomplish things without involving Him (I know I've done it), but it almost never pans out the way we think.  I have been in the process of learning that what God has for you, really is for you.  No matter how hard you try to side step His way, you will eventually come back to where you started...asking for direction.  The quick fix always seems better than waiting.  Wouldn't you agree?  So, I am trying to wait more patiently for the right things to unfold in my life.  See, even though I write greeting cards, I always have more to learn about my own journey.  

So my friends, I leave you with this, hoping that you stay encouraged by your dreams, no matter what they are.  If you want to bake the best cookies, do it.  If you want to braid hair, do it.  If you want to create photographs of wildlife, do it.  And always remember that dreams can sometimes take a hiatus, and that's okay too.  When you come back to it, you come back stronger and wiser!

Always in peace,

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 10, 2010

The seasons have changed! Time passes so quickly. From the hottest days of Summer to the chilly days in's all a blur sometimes. The holidays are upon us. Time to celebrate with the ones we love and enjoy the festivities of the season. For some, it can be a season of surviving in still uncertain economic times, and for others, a time to reflect on what we've accomplished this year. Whatever it means to you, please remember to give thanks for everything, tell someone you love them, and give to those who need it most. For me, this year has been full of ups and downs, seasons of change and achievement. I've learned alot about my own perseverance and strength. I am constantly reminded of the peace and goodness of spirit and how everything flows naturally when we let go. It really is the only way to get through the challenges. LET GO. Not giving up, but just allowing things to work out in their time. Trust me, I have to repeat this to myself sometimes. To all my customers who continue to love my cards and support my dream, I thank you. New things are coming for Inner Peace Greetings in 2011. I will be working on new designs, new messages for the cards, and other new products so stay tuned! Since I'm in a reflective mood, I leave you with this short poem I wrote -

Changing Seasons

Its not often we catch a raindrop on our tongue or remember the innocence of being young. But if we try really hard, sometimes we get lucky enough to have a snowflake land where we can see. And still we look for miracles refusing to
truly believe; that we were made perfectly. And even if life brings unwanted change and circumstance, we are strong enough to
endure, and always given another chance. When seasons change, so do we. And that my friend is the BLESSING.

May you and yours have a prosperous and peace-filled holiday season. Until next time, peace.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Good evening fellow greeting card senders,

It's been a while since my last blog, (since the big snow storm of February!) and I need to catch up and let everyone know what's going on in the world of Inner Peace Greetings. For starters, the economy has certainly played a major part in a decline of vendor opportunities and a slow down of people actually wanting to spend money on things other than necessities. But, as always, the greeting card always finds a way to survive, and still remains the best way to express yourself to a loved one for any number of occasions.

Yes, people continue to get busier everyday with balancing work, family, and their personal lives (what's that?), but at the days end, we have to remember to share the joys, sorrows, and accomplishments of those most important to us. Afterall, if we don't do that, what was once a genuine act of kindness and a show of appreciation will be a distant memory left to the world of technology. Can you imagine receiving a text message, electronic card, face book message, etc. that says, "I'm sorry you lost your loved one, you are in my thoughts". Have we really reached that age when we are too busy to sign our name to a card, put the card in the envelope, put a stamp on the envelope, and mail it? Its been discussed eveywhere how much technology has taken over society and whether or not it is really a good thing or bad. Good, that we can communicate faster and more sophisticated than ever before. Bad, because with all of this communicating, we aren't really saying anything of true meaning most of the time. I still like receiving a beautiful card that says simply, "Your friendship means so much" or "congratulations, you did it!".

Call me sentimental, but there is an art to the greeting card. It's design, it's words, it's physical appearance, but most of all, the return address on the envelope of the person who took the time to send it.

Summer is fast making its exit. As we try to grab as much sun, vacation time, and gatherings with friends and family before school starts or the change of seasons brings new projects at work, or preparing the house for winter, let's not forget that without the people in our lives, we would be missing out on the powerful connection of human existence.

I am having a sale in July and August
($5 for 8 card/package) and discounts on all the cards in the Inner Peace Greetings collection to prepare for new card designs and enhanced quality. I've learned alot since I turned my first poem into a greeting card such as; which cards sell the most, which don't sell much, and what people want. It has been a rewarding experience and my customers remain satisfied with the quality, sophistication, and design of my products. I have chosen to stay true to the original black and white design which has always made the cards stand out from the rest. What makes these cards extra special is the artwork, but the message inside is what draws you in. Heartfelt messages of faith and inspiration to remind you that life's challenges are just that...challenges to be overcome with faith. There is a higher purpose for each of our lives and I believe through honoring our relationships, we are closer to finding that purpose.

Join me in celebrating the rest of summer (and everyday) by remembering those you love with a greeting card. But not just any card, an Inner Peace Greeting card. Don't text, don't email, just buy some stamps and rediscover the art of sending a card.

Peace, until next time.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

February Greetings

Greetings to my followers!
I hope that your New Year is turning out to be all you hoped it to be. But remember, everyday is a blessing and no matter what time of year, it is good to be alive, at peace, and thankful for your family, friends and your life!
This year, my focus for Inner Peace Greetings will be an unfolding process. I am constantly thinking of new ways to design and print my cards so that the message is always clear...inner peace for the soul. Since I work full time, I don't have many hours to devote to my craft, but when I do, it gives me a sense of pride and accomplishment because this is a dream come true for me. My cards are my passion, so whether I'm a vendor at a local craft show, or meeting someone new who has contacted me about the cards, it is such a blessing to me.
While it is a New Year, this is a confusing time in the world, but it is up to us to claim our peace and happiness by the choices we make, the people we choose to be in our lives, and how we live. There are times in my own life when I have not listened to the small voice inside and followed my heart. But moving forward, I am learning to honor who I am. My cards help me to do this and I hope that you find ways to honor yourself too. It is so important.
Thank you to all who have purchased cards, bookmarks, or notecards from me. And especially those of you who have told me how much the verses in the cards have helped you or someone else. My first vendor event for 2010 will be at:
BASH, Black Association of South Hills
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Hilton Garden Inn Southpointe
Canonsburg, PA.
Time: 11:30 am to 3:30 pm
This is a scholarship fundraiser that will have ten great local vendors, food, and fun for all. I hope to see you there or at my next event.
Wishing you peace,
Sonya Ford

Saturday, September 5, 2009

October Events


I hope everyone is well. Here is where I will be in October:

I will be a vendor at the St. James A.M.E. Zion Church annual Octoberfest in the East Liberty section of Pittsburgh on Lincoln Avenue. This event will take place on Saturday, October 10, 2009 from 10:00 a.m. until 2pm. I may also be at the East Liberty Community Flea Market which will be at the Kingsley Association parking lot on Saturday, October 4, 2009.

This is a great event for the community and for local entrepreneurs. Come and do some early Christmas shopping, get introduced to some great vendors, enjoy great food, and fellowship with good people from the community. This will be my third year vendoring at this event, and it is always a great time. It is amazing how much talent is right here in our city. I always have a holiday theme expressed at my table complete with holiday cards and
SPECIAL GIVEAWAYS for the first few customers, so please come out and support this well organized event!

Thought for the month of September:
"All we can do is our best. After that, it's up to God", By Sonya D. Ford

Yours in inner peace,

Saturday, August 22, 2009

What's New at Inner Peace Greetings

Hello fellow greeting card senders!

It has been quite some time since I've posted to my recently created blog page. I am now beginning to add updates to my blog to let you know where to find my cards, and at what venues I will be offering my greeting cards for sale. I want to also thank my supporters, i.e. friends, family and vendors alike, for purchasing my cards and giving me such positive feedback on the quality and effect of the messages found in each card.

Inner Peace Greetings was started to encourage and uplift your spirit in a time where life can allow us to forget the precious gift of peace, inner happiness, and acceptance of who we truly are. The cards are written to speak directly to your soul with beautiful black and white artwork reflecting each message. Afterall, if we don't have inner peace, what can we possibly have to offer to ourselves and our world?

My cards are affordable, beautifully packaged, and are available for most every occasion, including: Thank You, Weddings, Anniversaries, Friendship, Encouragement...and more. You will never be disappointed when you send these cards to your friends, family and the important people in your life because the cards were designed to capture the true essence of a person through simplistic design, and heartfelt messages to heal and uplift. The purpose of keeping the cards black and white is to allow the receiver of the card to focus on the calm and simplistic nature of the art, which in a sense, prepares the reader for the inspirational message inside.

Until the next post, may you experience Inner Peace everyday.

Here are some upcoming events where you can find Inner Peace Greetings cards:

Past events:
August 2, 2009
East Liberty Community Flea Market
Kingsley Association - 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Upcoming events:
October, 2009 (most likely the first Saturday in the month)
East Liberty Community Flea Market
Kingsley Association - 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
*more details to follow

Where you can find my cards for sale:

Divertido Gift Shop
Butler Street (Lawrenceville)
Pittsburgh, PA